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Bad "Female Dogs"


What's going on with our women?

"My Queen, Princess, Flower, etc" all these signify beauty and the way that we use idolize our women. Over time, it's understandable that our vocabulary will advance and become more "slang" rather than what the word truly is. Though, what does that have to do with the vocabulary change on our precious flowers, or in other words, on our women? As the years go on, we have changed our views on the way that we see our women. Instead of all the qualities of beauty and nurturing, we perceive them as sex hungry, moochers. The verbal degradation of our women has become an unwanted habit heavily emphasized in our society and is now being taught to our newer generation as being "okay".


Shall we relive the past?

Through the years, women have always been the peace makers, healers, nurturers and every other pleasant thing on earth that a person can think of . However, as we advance into the 21st century, our grammar and behavior has significantly changed. Things that weren't normally addressed towards women has now put women a situation where they have to either take what's being said as compliments or insults. Since the early years, women have since evolved into strong, powerful, head strong beings. Such examples as Michelle Obama, Maya Angelo, Hillary Clinton and so on. This doesn't necessarily place the men in a powerless stand point but it seems that every time women have achieved more, there's always a man there to place them back in their "rightful" spot, which is being under the man. 


What do you think Benjamin?

Engineer and linguist, Benjamin Lee Whorf, was known for linguistic differences in grammar and usage. One example he used about different types of languages or words that have another meaning than their original was: "how the deaf use a very different language system than the hearing population: sign language. Even the blind use symbols, including tactile, sound, and smell, for communication."  

He referred to this as meaning the same thing but however being used in a different context. Though, from this, society has completed twisted this around. We have taken the definition of "bad" and transformed it into a compliment. Society has done just what Whorf said but instead the words don't get crazier or further from it's original definition, it gets more uglier and ruthles. Never has being bad been a compliment. 


What do women look like to their society?

Each time a woman takes the compliement of these insulting statements, she sets herself further away from what women were trying to accomplish. What society needs to understand is that women are poeple too. They feel they need to work harder because otherwise, no one will take them seriously. Unlike men, their independence comes with a price, it costs their blood, sweat, and tears from the tireless efforts of them showing that they can be just as strong as men.


Chapter 2

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