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Americans like to portray their country as the land of new beginnings, where dreams come true, and where everyone matters. However, to define the true definition of America as “once you're at the top, stay there, because once you become average, you have no individual power.” History might mean past events, but history likes to repeat itself in different forms. From how controlling the puritans were in 1600, to how the “original american’s” treated the immigrants. From how Chinese immigrants came to America around 1848 for a better life & opportunity to how Africans was forced to be enslaved in 1619 and be treated like no human should ever be. As we try to forget the past and force on who and what America is today, it’s still a “what were they thinking” moment when we find our selves giving test about America in order to be declared as a citizen, when half the citizens don’t even the answers. Each ethnic group came to America from their original homeland. Just because the road to America was different doesn’t mean the road up ahead will be the same. Immigration is a huge part of America’s history, but the current regulations are too strict and prevent people from living the American experience.



  The puritans “set up”  America for what America is now. We have a lot of different things we value now that the puritans did around the 1600’s. Religion has been a key role in not only America’s history, but for almost everyone in the world. There’s more than 4000 different religions so are combined, have the same overall theory, and then some has nothing to do with each other. The puritans would signal out one religion, preach it, teach it, and want that to be the religion that their people live by & practice. Even though the people of America likes to portray America as the place of new beginnings, where dreams come true, where everyone matters, which is highly false. In my opinion America now does what the puritans did around 400 years ago. This is the exact lyrics to the pledge of allegiance that every American must say in school and other important events. “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”  Most american’s know it by heart, and others know how this allegiance bring offense to what they believe in. The pledge says “and to the republic for which it stands one nation under god”. Even though the pledge of allegiance has be changed four times since 1942 this statement still stands when not every all of America goes by that religion. We might have invented smart phones, huge televisions, and fancy cars, but this proves how little we changed as people instead of changing items and ideas.


The Enslaved Africans had a hard and unfair life, but life is not always fear Not only was they treated like animals, abused, killed, sold like property, striped from there human rights, through all that they believed that the only way out was obey and then you will receive freedom. As years past 10, 20 50 years of slavery they were waiting for something they never should have needed in the first place. Freedom. Over the years of slavery the people fought hard about this topic and in the end they won. The thing I wanted to know was why did slavery continue so long and this is what I came up with. The reasons they allowed to continue with slavery was because they didn't want north vs south. From Ellsworth saying "let every state do what they please" to, what Ben Franklin is saying "when you assemble a large group of men, you will inevitably find that they disagree." These two important people believe in very different things the question is who's right? And what do you do with the answer that's wrong? Do you just end slavery as one or do you let states think what is best for them. I pretty sure this question came up a lot back then. How do you control a situation when you believe that this is wrong but others don't see it your way. How do you handle it, when there will never be a win win situation. 

Another reason why the constitution allowed slavery was because a lot of people didn't believe that slaves was equal or even smart enough to be considered equal. It says "Jefferson suspected that black had lower intellectual abilities than did whites. These suspicions, together with Jefferson's fear that free blacks and free whites could not live harmoniously in America." They didn't even believe blacks was as capable as whites. so if you don't believe that how are we suppose to be one, when you doubt us from the beginning.

 Every person, group, community, culture has a past and who is it to me to decide which is more important. No matter how much we despise what our ancestors been through, if they didn’t indoor the pain and struggle we wouldn’t have the life we have now. Believe we all have a purpose, we might not know what it is right away but everyone’s purpose matters.


Chapter 3

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