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No Class Left Behind

Chapter 1

How does poverty affect the different social classes?


Many people in society are misguided by how poverty is percieved in America. The average american assumes that poverty is only related to a specific group of people: a certain group of color or classism. When in reality, poverty is subtle and it doesn’t only affect the obvious. Poverty affects the obvious group of people who are under the poverty line like those who are economically unstable: single parents, people who are unemployed, or someone who has a disability. However, what people overlook the most is that poverty affects those who are above the line as well. Even those who are financially secure struggle to remain this way - making sure the government doesn’t kill their success and let’s their strive continue. Poverty touches upon the many groups of social class and puts all of them in equal economic danger.


What parts are "they" leaving out?


When we consider the typical breakdown of economic status, America is divided into the “poor”, “average”, and “wealthy” circumstance. In other words, those who are in desperate need of financial help, those who are sufficient and safe in the economy, and those who are sufficient because of their outstanding income. If we were to pick apart each of these categories, one might be utterly surprised by their new findings of how poverty relates to the not-so-obvious groups of social class and others would just be repeated alters the lives of those who come off as needing the least amount of help.


Your proffessor, Your waitress

In one situation, a woman named Brittany Bronson works two jobs. One job as a professor and another job as waitress. The article goes into debt about her explaining to her students the importance of getting a degree and staying in school to maintain a good education and finding a good job. Not that she’s embarrassed about where she works, she just doesn’t feel like it’s appropriate for her “survival job” to be discussed with her colleagues and students, until one day, one of her students comes by her job to get served. 


Bronson's point that she's trying to make is that, though you may have a degree or the highest education you can get, doesn't mean that you're clear to the good life. Many people struggle to understand that there are levels to poverty. Poverty doesn't just contain to those that have no home or no job. Poverty has to do with those that struggle to make ends meet or keep up with their intened lifestyle. In example, the list that you are about to see is calculated data of what poverty looks like in quanity in households.


Poverty Threshold:

  • Three people: $19,790

  • Four people: $23,850

  • Five people: $27,910

  • Six people: $31,970

  • Seven people: $36,030

  • Eight people: $40,090

The poeverty of the sick, old, and homeless people are just illusions and cover up to keep the rich looking good. Leaving the public unexposed to the different types of poverty. 


What can we do about this?

As of right now, most companies and businesses are trying to restore those that suffer from poverty. Food plans for children are now being introduced in schools through the free lunch program and raising money for vaccines so that children can stop missing school. Programs like these are available to all types of households and similar throughtout the social classess. Though poverty isn't going to end over night, the effort that those are putting into to try to end this is highly appreicated by those who can't seem to break free. Being free and living as you wish you could has a lot to do with democracy. By doing something about this major problem, it shows those voices are being heard and in a democracy, it's all about the people's voices being heard.


Government, you too!

As the government, who's dutie is to tend to the people's needs, are suppose to relieve their fellow citizens from this type of stress and hardship the best way they can, not trying to cover it up with false sterotypes and drawing attention away from a particular group. If poverty is invovled in every class, wy do we need to emphasize on it? We know it's there, so it makes it unnecessary to point out where it stands in society. Poverty doesn't just have a face of color or "white trash" or people who couldn't quite do their best when they had the chance. The governement needs to stop being the judge and start living up to their name and govern. We are all people not races, stand up for both sides. 



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